Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fellow woman Marine to release book

I discovered this exciting news from the Women Marines Association blog. Check out Amber's excerpt from her new book here.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Participate in a poll: Should women Marines serve in combat?

The official blog for the Marine Corps posts an interesting article about whether women should be allowed to serve in combat and provides a yes/no poll for you to take. Check it out here.

Is it me? Why can't women be referred to as women in such articles, instead of "female." Men are always referred to as men. I don't get it.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cover designer delivers!

I think we have it! The book cover, I mean. The designer emailed a new version, and sure enough, the shot of estrogen I asked for makes a huge difference. Can't wait to share.

AN ULAWFUL ORDER, available soon through Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Ingram, and through any one of your favorite e-readers. And just in time for that beach trip!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Front cover design for AN UNLAWFUL ORDER

So the most fun ever last week -- receiving the front cover possibilities from the designer.


Mostly. If this were a Tom Clancy novel, for example, geared more for a male readership, absolutely. The designer nailed it.

But, this isn't Jack Ryan's story. This story belongs to woman Marine Chase Anderson. I've asked for an infusion of estrogen. Can we, in other words, create a cover that will draw women readers?

Eager to see what the designer develops next!